This Quote Is So Powerful… Life Changing!


So I am currently listening to a talk by Esther ‘Abraham’ Hicks – an amazing Law of Attraction/Spiritual teacher.  If you have not heard her speak, you must check her out!

Anyway, I will share in a later post all the nuggets of wisdom I am getting from her talk, but she (through the spirit of Abraham) said a quote just now which just blew me away!  And I HAD to share it!



That is such a powerful statement.  

But what does it mean?

Well my interpretation of this powerful statement is that we need to stop trying to be someone else.  We all have goals and visions and aspirations for the type of person we want to become, but we get so caught up trying to be someone that we forget to stop and just BE.  Just BE ourselves!

How the Law of Attraction and hence manifestation works is that you stop chasing things and stop YEARNING for things to come into your life, and instead step back and you JUST BE.

Just allow peace to flow into your inner self and just be at one with who you are.  When you ALLOW and give yourself permission to be you, then AMAZING things will start to happen.

My Experience

All my life I have had strong beliefs of who I am and what I want to achieve.  I have spent decades (yes a long time!) chasing goals of the type of person I want to be.  Always looking ahead, always ‘future thinking’.  

But in my current journey of self-discovery, I have learnt that it is about STOPPING and being at peace with who I am.  Loving who I am right now.  Because:

  • I am already perfect
  • I am all love
  • I am divine
  • I am just who I am meant to be
  • I am a creation of the universe
  • I am infinite
  • I have source within me.  Now this is a BIG one!  By allowing yourself to accept that source/universe/god is within YOU, right now, that you don’t need to do anything to get it, then you can relax, take a deep breath, and smile knowing you are already who you are meant to be and ALLOW yourself to become the full expression of yourself.  You ALLOW yourself to grow into your true/higher self.

Wow!  lol

So become a gateway for the universe.  Stop trying to do things and ‘keep busy’ and just let the universe/source speak through you and guide you to become the ‘full expression of yourself’.

OMG it is just so powerful and beautiful and liberating!!!! I feel so good right now writing these words LOL

I must say that I never really understood the whole ‘inspired action‘ thing.  But since I have commenced this journey, I really have heard the universe start speaking to me and guiding me.  And it feels SOOO AMAZING!  It takes the pressure of me trying to figure things out, i just let go and let the universe guide me.  I shall write a post on that too 🙂


Feel good!  

That’s it.  Simple – heaps simple – but that is the AIM of reaching your highest self.  That is the METHOD for becoming all you can be.  Feel good in every moment.

It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life right now.  It doesn’t matter how you feel about your body, relationships, martial status, income, living conditions, health etc.  JUST FEEL GOOD IN THE MOMENT.  


Because by focusing on feeling good, feeling positive, you attract what you want anyway!

Think about it…

Why do you want a new relationship?  Why do you want to attract that new car?  Why do you desire more money? Why do you visualize a healthier, hotter body?  TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD.

Abraham says – Feel good now, and all you want will come to you.  Why?  Because the law of attraction is a LAW.  That means it MUST happen.  It WILL happen.

It is through the ‘feeling good now’ that you become a vibrational MATCH for what it is that you want, and you will get it when the time is right.  The more you feel good, the more you raise your vibration, the FASTER good things come into your life.


Feel Good.  That’s it!

Talk soon,


Day 5 -10: Make Yourself #1

I felt inspired to share with you something that I have taken YEARS to learn, but now am embracing.

It is putting yourself FIRST.

put yourself first

What do I mean by this?

It’s about saying “yes” to you. It’s about saying “yes” to your needs – your needs to grow, develop, experience, dream and go after your goals.

Why Don’t We Put Ourselves First?

I think that we get so caught up trying to please other people and trying to fight in and be accepted by others, that we put their needs and judgements ahead of our own. 

We become “yes” people to everyone else but ourselves, and in doing so, we end up saying “no” to what WE NEED most of the time.

In my life, I was so busy supporting other people and being there for others when they needed me, and trying to please others and make them like me, that I put what I NEEDED on the backseat.  I ignored the fact that I wasn’t growing and developing and didn’t face up to the fact that through trying to be everything to other people, I wasn’t being true to myself.

I become outward focused. I became obsessed with making sure people were happy with me.  I’m sure you know how much we all hate confrontation.  And we all dislike it when someone is mad or doesn’t like us.  It makes us feel unhappy and uncomfortable.

But what I have learned is that you HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF FIRST

Not in a selfish or arrogant or mean way.  But honor yourself. Be true to yourself. Give yourself the time and space to do all the growing and developing you need to do.

When We Are Happy, We Automatically Make Others Happy

law of attraction

During my ALL OUT positivity – and the reason for writing this blog and sharing my manifestation journey with you all, I have become much more positive and upbeat. And the great thing is that by focusing on making ME a better person, others around me have started to change too!

Just yesterday my parents and sister said to me that they noticed how negative they had been talking about things and that they had all decided to become more positive. I couldn’t believe it!  I hadn’t said anything to them about my journey!  

They went on to say that they realized how tense and stressed they were about events in life, and they had noticed how at peace I was becoming and they wanted to feel that too!

I was blown away!  I believe that by working on my inner world, I have begun to raise my vibration and in doing so, my higher vibrations have had a positive impact on the people I live with and has encouraged THEM to raise their vibrations.  So we are all feeling happier and more positive and I didn’t need to TELL them to do anything, I didn’t need to CONVINCE them to change.  My own happiness spread to them.

Win, win!

Treat Yourself Right First Before Others Will Treat You Right

A big thing I have learnt is that when you love yourself and find out what YOU need to be a better person, then you attract the right people into your life.

When you shower yourself with love and affection, you can’t help but bring to yourself people who will also show you love and gratitude.  

Remember:  Like Attracts Like

like attracts like

When you start to like and then love yourself, people who love you will appear and love you back.  then you’ll be rolling in love!

It’s pretty powerful stuff to know that your world is a mirror of who you are INSIDE.  If you don’t like what you see if your life right now, change what your thinking and feeling INSIDE and you will be amazed at how your outside world changes.

Already I have noticed big changes.  Here they are:

  • negative people have moved out of my life on their own.  I didn’t need to say anything!
  • people are being nicer to me
  • people are so much happier to see me and enjoying being around me
  • I need less sleep
  • I am 100% more productive
  • I am heaps more creative and amazing ideas are coming to me
  • I feel more relaxed and at peace with myself and the world
  • I have a ‘sense’ of what I need to do each day
  • I am finding all the resources I need at the current point in time to produce my products

Please Put Yourself First

I encourage you to start to put yourself first.  Make YOU #1.

Think about what YOU need to grow and develop and attract the life you want.  

Yes there will be haters and people who judge you and try to stop you growing.  But they are only behaving that way because they are jealous of the awesome person you are becoming and want you to feel as badly as they do!  Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of those types of people 😛

Here are some things to think about to put you as No. 1:

  • Do I need time on my own to get to know who I really am
  • Give yourself time to meditate
  • Read personal development books
  • Start brainstorming goals you want to achieve
  • Do something (no matter how small) EACH day that moves you toward achieving your dreams
  • Print out positive quotes and put them where you can see them
  • Think “I love myself” as often as you can
  • Be gentle with yourself.  Don’t get annoyed with you or beat yourself up when you make mistakes. You are human. We aren’t perfect!
  • Remove losers from your life (or distance yourself from them)
  • Surround yourself with positive, loving people
  • Get used to being ON YOUR OWN.  Enjoy your own company.
  • Start telling yourself that you don’t need anyone else.  You don’t need other people’s approval.

I hope this post helps you to start embracing who you are and start on the journey to becoming the best version of you.

I shall end with this great quote from the amazing and inspirational Les Brown:

“Make it non-negotiable to work on your own behalf and your dream every single day. This doesn’t mean that you are selfish or insensitive to the people around you, or the other responsibilities in your life. Learning to say “No” to others and “Yes” to you…allows you to excel by setting appropriate boundaries on your time, energy and resources. Give yourself a real gift – the freedom to be who you really are and do what you were meant to do in the world.”

Talk soon,


The Power of a Vision Board / Dream Board

Hey again!  Hope you are having a great day!

So today I am excited to share with you my vision board / dream board.  

vision board

What is it?

Well it is a place where you put images and words that resonate with you about what you will manifest in your life.  


What is so magical about a vision board is that it is an effective way of ‘seeing’ your future – before it manifests in your life.

It also helps to keep you excited, motivated and focused on what you want to be thinking about and bringing into your existence.

A benefit of taking the time to make a vision board is that it forces you to really get clarity over what it is you want in your life.  There are soooo many things out there that I’m sure you want to achieve and bring into your life, but that can become overwhelming and sometimes you get so caught up in all these possibilities, you get paralyzed and end up not doing anything!

So the vision board helps you to decide what you truly want in your life, and helps you to make decisions about what you want to think about.  It makes all your desires ‘thinkable’!!

Here is my vision board:

law of attraction dream board

Mine is only small (you can make yours as big and bold as you like.  I know someone who covered their entire bedroom door with theirs!), but I kept it to an A4 and put it in a plastic file so I can carry it around with me and also so I can look at it just before going to sleep and just at waking.  Those times are when your subconscious mind is most accessible, so it’s great to be able to fill my subconscious with these wanted images 🙂

Don’t Lose the Power

It’s pretty cool when you make you vision board because you can see your future laid out in front of you.  

I know when I look at mine, I get this rush of excitement and a huge smile on my face when I think of all the awesomeness coming my way!  It also makes me feel so grateful that I know how to make life work FOR me, and how I am consciously making the decision to step up and achieve the best life possible… Oh!  I’m getting excited just writing this lol

Anyway, I recommend not sharing your vision board with others.  

Why?   Because there will be people you care about who don’t know what you are doing and think it’s all wishful thinking or silly or they will just poo-poo your goals and bring you down.  This may tarnish the magic in your vision board and stop you from really connecting with it and being grateful for all your dreams coming true.  

So keep the board to yourself.  That’s why a smaller size is good because you can put it somewhere safe so others don’t come across it and start commenting and passing judgement.  

You don’t need anyone’s approval or permission to have a vision board.  All you need is the BELIEF in yourself that you WILL manifest all you desire.  

Back yourself, trust yourself and approve of yourself.

How to Make Your Vision Board

  1. Start thinking about what you want to attract in the areas of:
    1. Wealth
    2. Health
    3. Enlightenment
    4. Love
  2. Get magazines or Google images of what you want to manifest in these 4 areas
  3. Find words that resonate with you and quotes that support your beliefs that you will attract these things into your life
  4. Don’t limit yourself!  You can have as many pictures as you want.  There is no right or wrong.  Just find pictures and words that have a meaning to you
  5. Get a piece of paper/pin-board/door! and divde it into 4 areas
    1. place the pictures and words in their space.
  6. Laminate/Cover the paper so you can carry it around and protect it from damage
  7. Look at your vision board before bed and when waking
    1. take your time to look at each image/word and just FEEL gratitude and LOVE and HAPPINESS for what you see (this is an effective way to raising your vibration)
    2. Allow your positive feelings to cover the vision board.
    3. Put a smile on your face to help increase your positive feelings.
  8. Once you are feeling great about all your wish to manifest you can go to sleep or wake up and enjoy your day.
  9. KNOW and BELIEVE that when the time is right, your dream board pictures (or something better!) will come into your life.

I hope you feel pumped to create your own vision board.  

Feel free to tinker with it and use it every day as a great reminder of what you are going to attract into your life.

I find my vision board is very effective at ‘putting me in the mood’ for higher vibrations and powerful manifestation lol

Remember to NOT limit yourself and THINK BIG!

dream big

Talk soon,






Using Law of Attraction to Find My Soul Mate

This is a very exciting post for me because of the AWESOME person I WILL attract 😀

manifest love

So the first thing to note when using the Law of Attraction in your life is that you need to tell the universe/source what you want.  

How to Communicate with the Universe to Get What You Want

I like to see the Law of Attraction as an waiter.  it wants to know exactly what you want to order so it can bring it into your life.

Now most of us go through life with our ‘ordering’ on automatic.  We never take notice of the thoughts in our minds and the ‘ordering’ that we are doing.  Many of us tend to focus on what we DON’T want.  So we think thoughts (make orders) like:

  • I don’t want to be fat (but this is really ordering that you want to be fat!)
  • I don’t want a partner who takes me for granted (this is ordering a partner that takes you granted because that’s what you’re focusing on!)
  • I don’t want to be tired
  • I don’t want to do this job

I think you get the idea now 🙂

So we focus on what we DON’T want, and then get annoyed and frustrated when the universe brings us exactly what we DON’T want.  But the universe doesn’t know the difference between good and bad.  It just brings you what you are thinking about.

Okay, so back to my soul mate…

So I have learnt that you need to know who you want in a partner.  You need to give your ‘order’ to the universe so you can manifest that person into your life. 

My Soul Mate

ceos know manifestation

So I thought I would share with you who my soul mate will be:

  1. Entrepreneur  (preferably running successful online businesses) 
  2. Intelligent, self-motivated, driven and ambitious
  3. Shares lots of interests with me (e.g. believes and lives according to law of attraction)
  4. Loving, kind, gentle, understanding and empathetic
  5. Romantic and physically affectionate (good in bed!)
  6. Energetic, spontaneous and passionate about life
  7. Creative
  8. Adores me, supports me, encourages me to grow and develop

Okay, so there is my husband right there!  Let’s see how I go in manifesting him in my life 😀

find love with law of atttraction

So I encourage you to sit down and really think about who you want to attract into your life.  You can be as detailed as you want.  You know, we spend more time organizing a holiday than our partner!  

It is fun and exciting to do, and in my next post I’ll share with you how to boost your attracting abilities through the use of a dream board / vision board.

Talk soon,


Get Rid of LOSERS from Your Life

I know ‘losers’ is a harsh term, but seriously, some people end up being like that – despite how good a friend you think they are.

So yesterday I had a bit of a cry. Well a pretty big cry!  I know I am on my positivity binge, but a very very close friend of mine, someone I have known for a long time, let me down and I realized that they were a Loser in my life.

low self-esteem

Why were we friends?

Well we have always been there for each other. But the thing is, we were there for each other in different ways.  

He provided me with support emotionally, and would sit through my rants and vents and not get panicked or ignore me (as other guys have done).  I really appreicated that and cherished the fact that if I were upset, he’d be there to listen and support me.

I was there for him by helping him with his work, uni homework, supported him financially and also was always there with positive words and compliments.  I knew he had a low self-confidence and took it upon myself to help him build it up.  I was there saying ‘you can do it’ when he doubted himself, I stayed up till late working on assignments with him (well, I was really doing most of it!) and I was always there to lend him money if he needed.

 What Happened…

So why was I really upset last night?  

I had produced some YouTube videos (I’d never done that before!) and all I wanted him to do was watch the videos (they were only short) and give me some feedback.

And what happened? Nothing. He never looked at them.  

Why?  Because he was ‘too busy’ or ‘too stressed’.  When I asked what he was up to now, he said he was shopping.  Shopping!  He had time to shop but not watch a short video that meant a lot to me?! I was shocked.  After all the help I had provided to him over many years and the interest I had taken in all his work, he couldn’t be bothered to look at my video!

Now, I don’t want to go on about this but I have a point to share! The point is that yesterday our friendship ended. Six years over and done with.  Because I finally worked out that he wasn’t really that interested in me.  

The relationship was more about what he could get out of it, not the other way around.  He was happy to be friends as long as I paid attention to HIS needs. But when I wanted him to ‘set up’ and give me something, he was ‘too busy’.

not there for me

What Type of People Are Your Friends?

John Rohn said you are the average of the 5 closest people in your life.  So what type of people do you hang around with?  Who do you commonly associate with?  

I ended that friendship because I made the commitment at the start of this enlightenment journey to LOVE MYSELF.  And that meant getting rid of people who did not support and turly love me.  

I have read in soooo many books that you have to surround yourself with positive, dedicated and motivated people.  People who ‘set up’ in life, people who genuinely want te best for you; people who CARE about what you’re doing.  

It has to be give and take in every relationship.

Who Do you Attract?

I disocvered that I attracted people who were takers.  People who only wanted to get things out of the realtionship, not give.  They were all about ‘what’s in it for me?’  I was always teh counsellor, the friend who’d drop anything to help someone, the ‘best friend’ becasue I never asked anyrhign in return becasue I knew (and put up with!!!) not getting that treatment back!

Why did I attract these types of friends?  Because I didn’t think I deserved better!

Being on this journey, and focusing on loving and developing myself has enabled me to see that I had such a low opinion of myself, how could I blame my friends for thinking better of me?!

People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.  And how they treat you is the way you feel about yourself.

I let people ‘use’ me because I didn’t think i deserved better.  That’s how I have ended up giving so much, with so little in return.

WELL!  It’s all stopped now.  I am all about attracting people who want a give and take relationship.  People who deserve my friendship!  People who genuinely want to be in a proper friendship with me.

When you are surrounded by loving, supportive and ‘set up’ people, it encourages you to ‘set up and become better!

Another Discovery

After I hung up and slammed down the phone after we had broken off our friendship last night, I realized that I was sad – naturally because of the disappointment and loss of a friendship – but I also felt FREE!!!  And it felt GOOD!

I felt FREE from the burden of carrying this person.  I now am freed up to attract the RIGHT people into my life.  And that is exciting!

And best of all, I realized that the UNIVERSE had allowed this to happen!! Yes it made me sad, but I had been visualizing about removing ‘clutter’ from my life to help increase my positive vibration and attraction WHAT I WANT in my life.  And I knew then and there, that the universe had said to me ‘this person is bringing you down.  Sucking energy from you.  I’ll get them out of your life!’  

The universe had my back lol

How To Easily Remove Losers from Your Life

So how did I get the universe easily remove this person from my life and left me feeling free and positive about the future?


Well, I have been doing these awesome visualizations and I’m going to share them with you:

  1. Lie on the bed and close your eyes.
  2. Take three deep breathes in and out
  3. Imagine you are standing in your bedroom.
  4. The person you want to remove from your life is standing there too.  And they are surrounded by rubbish.
  5. Imagine hearing a knock on the bedroom door. 
  6. The door opens and a man comes in and says to the person you want to remove, that it’s time to leave.
  7. The person remains standing still.
  8. The man grabs the person’s arm and pulls them out of the room.
  9. You follow the man as he takes the person out of your house and you can see (without following) that the person disappears into the horizon.
  10. You go back to your room and notice all the rubbish around.  You light four tall candles and put one in each corner of your room.  (These candles begin to clear the room from past relationships/friendships)
  11. You then start cleaning up the mess and tidy the entire room.
  12. Once the room is clean, you start adding nice things to it.  E.g. flowers, new paint, new carpet, lights, music – whatever you want!
  13. Then you turn around and face the bedroom door, smiling, and wait for new awesome people to come into your room (life)
  14. Keep picturing this visualization each night (and you can also do so during the day – I do!)
  15. Every night imagine organizing the room to welcome a new person.  

It’s a lovely visualization and you feel free and spacious afterwards.

Talk soon,


Day 5 – Life is FOR You

Hello again!

So I am on Day 5 of my positive-ness and I must say my mood as been so much better.  I really do feel happier, even though nothing amazing or ‘miracle’ worthy has happened to me – yet!

I also feel lighter.  It’s very interesting how ‘light’ positive thoughts and feelings are. I also feel more energetic and don’t need as much sleep as I used too when I was feeling down and low and ‘heavy’ with negativity.

Now I wanted to share with you this beautiful thought about the fact of:

Life is FOR you

law of attraction

What I mean by this is to have a mind-set where you believe and know that life is working for your greatest good. Life is on YOUR side.

I think that so many of us believe that life is meant to be a struggle, difficult, annoying and somehow always ‘out to get us’. So this thinking encourages us to be full of negativity and see the glass has half empty.

However, what a change to see life has working with you and helping you to achieve your best. I find this idea a really empowering and smile-inducing thought 🙂

I am already in Heaven

heaven through law of attraction

Another beautiful thought to think is to see your life as heaven sent. See yourself creating a life that will be like Heaven on Earth.

I just love the idea of someone saying “how’s your life going?” and I reply “I love my life. I am living in Heaven, here on Earth!”

How amazing to know that all the positive thinking I am deliberately doing is creating Heaven for me, right here and now.

The last mind-set thought I have read and want to share with you is:

I already have an abundant life

I’m learning how powerful it is to have an abundance attitude.

I know the majority of us (me included) have been brought up with the beliefs of scarcity and competition and shortages. But, even though we’re not in the place we aspire to be, we are actually experiencing GREAT ABUNDANCE right here and now!

I am really focusing on training myself to have an abundance attitude.  Everything I am reading is stressing the important of this mind-set.

When I go for walks or drive in the car, I see all the leaves on the trees and the millions of grass blades in the fields and it reminds me that there is so much abundance all around us. Nature is abundant!  And so are we.  I think through our lives we move away from our natural knowing that the universe, and us, are abundant. I need to get back to that place where I know that I can have all I desire, I must believe first, then it will appear.

CEOs know this!

ceos know manifestation

Another interesting discovery I have made is that sooo many successful BUSINESS people (CEOs, top marketers, CIOs etc) all possess amazingly positive and abundant mind-sets. I have been studying marketing and have been blown-away by the number of successful people who practice the Law of Attraction (or their definition of it) and have used it to create the huge success in their lives.

It is a great reminder for me that I am on to the ‘real deal’ and that by sticking to the law of attraction and committing to increasing my vibration by thinking positively, I WILL attract great abundance and wealth into my life.  YAY! 😀


I am excited about this journey and I really am dedicated to making positive thoughts and feelings of love and gratitude a habit and natural state for me. I am excited that you are sharing this journey with me,

I’d like to finish off this post with a great quote I read today that I will be printing and putting on my bedroom wall!

“The mindset comes first, everything else comes after.”

Talk soon,



What I Am Doing – Meditation

Now we’ve all (or most of us) have heard about Meditation.  I firstly imagined monks sitting on some high mountain and with crossed legs and serious face, would meditation for hours and hours. So I believed that meditation was something you had to really get into and it was a difficult and complex process.


So I resisted meditating…

Even though everything I was reading about Law of Attraction, enlightenment, positivity and creating the life you want all told me how beneficial meditating is.

Then I came across some texts that actually explained how to do meditation and I discovered that it was SIMPLE and EASY and in fact, ENJOYABLE!

I tried out a variety of different forms of meditation, from listening to theta beats (which helps to put you in a deeper trance) and listening to audios of people chanting positive words into my subconscious.  But these meditations were quite intense and after a while I just got ‘over’ doing them! Not that they didn’t help me, but it would last for 20 to 30 minutes and I just didn’t feel the need to to them all the time.

So I NEEDED to discover a way to meditate, because I do believe it is very beneficial for setting up your mind to receive what you want. 

So on this positivity binge I have found a simpler and more enjoyable (and shorter!) way to meditate and it is working so far! I have been meditating EVERY morning and night. 

A Key note here is that I meditate just before falling asleep and just after waking. This is when you subconscious mind is most accessible (your conscious mind hasn’t fully woken up and put up all its walls), so you get your positivity and gratitude thinking straight to the source 🙂

Here’s What I Do…

1. Pick my a piece of music I enjoy listening to again and again.  I chose Enya’s ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’.  Check it out here!  it is a beautiful piece of music and I love hearing it.

2. Close eyes and lie down in bed

3. Put a smile on my face

4. Take a deep breath

5. Breathe in and say a positive statement. E.g. I love my life; I love myself; I am happy; I am grateful; (just pick ONE to use throughout the meditation)

6. Breathe out and just FEEL the love/happiness/thankfulness

7. Breathe in again saying your chosen statement

8. I either just enjoy the music and the feelings and sometimes I visualize what I want to manifest in my life.  E.g. car, soul mate, money flowing to me.

9. At the end of the meditation (I do it for 7 mins by putting the music on repeat) I imagine a warm, bright light coming from the sky and covering my head. This is the love of the universe, bathing my mind with positivity and love and abundance.

10. When your meditation is finished, make an even bigger smile, take a deep breathe and DONE!


Thanks for reading this post, I hope it has inspired you to start meditating 🙂

Talk soon,


Day 2-4: I Love Myself, I Love Myself, I Love Myself!

So I am going ALL OUT in being positive and not letting negativity fill my mind.  

But firstly I want to clarify that point.  

woman-thinking-law of attraction

It’s not about REFUSING to think negative thoughts or panicking every time a negative thought comes into my head.  Oh no. It’s about being AWARE that a negative thought is present and just changing to a positive thought.

It’s like my saying, “Ok, here’s a negative thought. No worries. Here’s now a positive thought.”  So I’m deliberately putting positive thoughts into my head.  The aim: to get to a point where I AUTOMATICALLY think positively and all those pesky, habitual negative, self-defeating thoughts are gone.  Bye!


So I must admit that really dedicating myself to thinking positively as had good results.  I feel SO MUCH HAPPIER!  Nothing in my life has changed at the moment, but i feel GOOD!  And that is a great thing!  As I have read, you need to be feeling the right way before the things you want appear in your life, so there you go.  I am FEELING GOOD!

SMILE law of attraction

One thing that has really helped me to keep in control of my thoughts and make sure I am saturating my mind with positve-ness is saying the line (over and over again) ‘I love myself’.  I have read that before you can change ANYTHING in your life, you have to make sure you are in a good place.  So that means you have to LOVE YOURSELF before you can have a life that you love.

It all starts from within you. 

This story really helps to demonstrate how the life YOU WANT starts from WITHIN YOU!

I remember reading Louise Hay and she said that before you plant anything (e.g. flowers, vegetables, herbs) you need to make sure the soil is ready.  Get plenty of manure, rich soil and fertilizer. Then you plant the seeds and tend and care for them and wait for the beautiful growth to appear.


Louise says to think of our minds just like a garden:

  1. We need to start loving ourselves (preparing the rich soil)
  2. Then we can plant the seeds (what we want to bring/manifest into our lives)
  3. Then we need to be patient and KNOW that the universe is busy filling our orders (!!) and what we want will appear in our lives (always at the right time).  

This image really helped me to realize how important it is to set up your mind so you can start living life at a higher level.

So… Yesterday I read an AMAZING BOOK

Yesterday I finished reading a book called ‘Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended On ItHere’s the book link and it was PERFECT!  It was as though i had written the book myself! I completely resonated with me and reminded me that if you want anything in your life you have to go full out.

You have to 100% commit to it and be disciplined and dedicated. Kamal (the author) spoke of always saying ‘i love myself’ and this will keep the negativity at bay and create amazing, ‘magical’ changes in your life.

It’s helped him overcome serve depression and so that’s what I’m doing. I’m telling myself all day long that I LOVE MYSELF.  Even if it feels strange or funny to say, just say it anyway! It’ll become true for you if you say it enough.

I recommend you read this book. He writes very well and explains the power of the mind so well.  Love it and I can’t wait for the ‘magic’ to happen to me 😀

Ok, so I’m loving myself atm and feeling good. I know I need to keep at it and I am so excited about the awesomeness coming my way!

Talk soon,




Step Up into Your True Self

Hello again!

So I was feeling a bit at a loss shall we say that I felt alone in my quest to align my life with my higher self.  So feeling that way I thought I’d sit outside with my gorgeous cat and just listen to some good old musical tunes (Legally Blonde was playing).

I then had the urge to listen to a business/self-development audio.  As I mentioned in my first post, I am now living according to my ‘inner promptings’ which I believe are coming from the universe.  So I went into my ‘recently added’ playlist and the first audio I come across was a business audio I downloaded a YEAR ago!

This audio was EXACTLY what I needed to hear!  It completely cheered me up and reminded me that I am on the RIGHT journey and that other people, who are now very successful, have felt alone and frustrated too, but kept going and reached their light at the end of the tunnel.  I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear these uplifting words.  The audio was by Ali Brown ( a woman who I swear was talking directly to me!

I was so impressed with what she had to say about making your own journey that I want to share some of her insights and wisdom with you:

  • We are a rare breed.  Most people are happy to spend their lives working 9 to 5, then coming home and cooking the meal and chatting about their day, or the weather or gossiping and then watching TV or going online.  This is fine.  Only a small percentage of us (like 1%) are passionate and maybe even obsessed with living life on a higher level.  We want to ask the deeper questions like ‘who am I really?!’ ‘what is my life all about?’


  • Fear isn’t real.  Even though the thought of quitting your job, or leaving a relationship or starting your own business scares the hell out of you, it isn’t real.  Your fear is just your interpretation of the action.  By ‘stepping through your fears’ – doing the things you fear the most, you overcome them and eliminate them from you life.


  • Be comfortable with being UNcomfortable.  I loved this!  It is so where I am right now.  Being single, not having a job, learning a whole new set of skills is all making me very uncomfortable but it is the ONLY time you GROW!  So BRING IT ON!


  • My fav from Ali:  ‘Step into the next version of YOU‘.  This brought tears to my eyes.  It is the best definition of the transition I am going through right now.  I am moving from the ‘old’ me where I NEEDED to be in a relationship, I needed to be supported and approved by others, I needed to feel safe and secure into a version of ME that is free, light, and self-sufficient.  I actually defined my whole day based on this line!


  • Mastering Marketing.  This is where I’m at in my new biz life.  I am busy reading, reading, READING!  Saturating my mind with information on marketing.  Ali affirmed that it is so important to understand this as THIS is how you get your products and services out there to the marketplace.  BRING IT ON (again!)

I hope you got a lot out of this post, as I did, and if you want to hear the audio yourself, go to Ali’s website:

BTW I’m not affiliated with Ali at all!  I just loved her audio and got a lot out of it and know you will too 😀

Talk soon,